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Aeroseal’s aerosol ductwork sealing technology was invented and developed by the Energy Performance of Buildings Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1994. This technology internally seals duct leaks in air distribution ducts by injecting a fog of aerosolized sealant particles into a pressurized duct system. The key to the technology is to keep the particles suspended within the air stream without depositing on the duct surfaces until they reach the leaks, where they leave the air stream, deposit at the leak edges, and seal the leaks.Our Patented Machine is made up of the following components.  Each component is essential to the Aeroseal process.


Aeroseal Duct Sealing is a patented breakthrough technology that tackles leaks from the inside out. Aeroseal software allows the technician to accurately measure the duct leakage in residential homes and commercial buildings. The Aeroseal process puts escaping air under pressure and causes polymer particles to stick first to the edges of a leak, then to each other until the leak is closed.The technology was developed within the Indoor Environment Program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, whose IAQ scientists tested it. The research was funded by US Environmental protection agency, US dept. of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute and California Institute of Energy and Environment.The University of California was granted initial patents in 1996 and 1999, and Aeroseal holds an exclusive license to the technology. While energy savings resulting from reducing leakage vary based on climate, utility rates, and your heating and cooling system, the other goals of even temperatures in all rooms, improved indoor air quality, and reduction of odors and fumes will be achieved regardless of those conditions. In commercial building applications, Aeroseal also solves air flow and ventilation issues in addition to energy savings. The Aeroseal 6-step process takes very little time to bring you big savings and comfort.


Wall registers are covered in order for air to escape only through the leaksSealant in injected into the ducts for approximately 1 hourSmall aerosol particles are kept suspended in the airflow by continuous air movementAs the air stream makes a sharp turn to exit through a leak, the particles collide with and adhere to the leak edgesDucts are sealed with only 1-2 oz. of the sealant material remaining in the ductsA computer-generated analysis summarizing your home’s or building’s amount of leakage is generated, providing verification of success of the process Would you like to learn more?Contact your Aeroseal professionals today and we’ll be happy to investigate and locate the hidden problem areas in your leaky ducts. We’ll properly diagnose your system, providing you with a cost-effective, state-of-the-art solution to your duct issues. Aeroseal seals up the leaks, the wasted money, and the hazards of inefficient ductwork.



The US Department of Energy (DOE) states that energy wasted from leaky residential ducts alone is equivalent to the energy burned by 13 million cars a year.

You can see a water leak, but an air leak is invisible. Duct leaks can be difficult and costly to find with ductwork hidden between the walls, floors, and ceilings of any residential home or commercial building. The older, traditional use of mastic (a messy caulk-like substance) or taping of leaks not only is less effective than Aeroseal, but also can be very labor-intensive and expensive and can only be applied to ducts with physical access. Other substances break down over time, but the Aeroseal sealant does not and even has a 10 year WARRANTY to back it up. Do-it-yourselfers might attempt their own fixes, but what about those ducts you or your HVAC specialist can’t see or access? Let Aeroseal handle the entire job and you won’t be tearing up your home or worried about incomplete seals. Aeroseal pinpoints and covers leaks, in roughly an hour, from the inside out with a success rate of up to 98%. Aeroseal is the most effective, affordable, and viable method of sealing air duct leaks on the market.In commercial buildings most ducts have none to very limited physical access, which lends Aeroseal to be the only solution in the market which can guarantee results and improvements.The measured result of a typical Aeroseal air duct sealing process is shown below: Aeroseal can reduce duct leakage by up to 90%, reduce your energy use by up to 30%. Aeroseal has also been shown to dramatically improve comfort and homeowner satisfaction with their heating and cooling systems.


Leaky ducts in a residential home contribute to:

  • Loss of cool and warm conditioned air to the outside or unconditioned spaces of your home resulting in high energy bills

  • Even the most energy-efficient heating and cooling systems not performing at its best

  • Forcing your system to work harder and wear out sooner, costing you yet more money

  • Excess humidity levels that can lead to costly home repairs

  • Hard to heat or cool rooms leading to discomfort

  • Musty odors and other indoor air quality (IAQ) issues


Leaky ducts in a commercial building contribute to:

  • Loss of air resulting in significant increase in fan power energy use and over high energy bills

  • Air contamination due to duct leakage in hospitals and doctor’s offices

  • Air balance issues and problems complying with the Air Flow building codes

  • Poor ventilation in high rise buildings such as hotels and multifamily dwellings resulting in unpleasant odors

  • Unable to keep non-smoking sections of the building uncontaminated from cigarette smoke


What are the benefits?

  • Airtight savings: The money formerly leaking out of your ducts will stay in your pocket longer

  • Airtight comfort: Your hard to heat or cool rooms will have more even temperatures and be more comfortable

  • Improved air quality: You will see a reduction in dust and humidity, along with fumes and other odors

  • Reaches everywhere: Seals leaks nearly impossible to reach using other methods

  • You’ll be a small part of a bigger solution: A reduction of the amount of air pollution created from generating less energy

  • Solve your building air flow and ventilation problems

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